Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kanyon Wayne Poole has arrived!

Kanyon Wayne Poole January 14, 2011 6lb 11oz 20 inches

All my beautiful boys!

Home at last!

Tuckyr has been so cute with him.

Sorry you have to see me in this picture but it was one of his first pictures of us together.

Feeling very out numbered!

I scheduled to be induced Friday January 14th. I had to be there at 5am. Dr. Isbell was not able to come in as soon as I would have liked due to a C-section...so I waited. The doc came at 9:20 am, I begged for an epidural (which I should have demanded earlier), the anesthesiologist barely had time to get the medicine to take full effect (like 10:48 am) when Kanyon was born at 10:50 am. I pretty much went through labor without the meds. I should have saved myself the money :) Kanyon was healthy and that was all that mattered. On the good side my body was numb for quite a long time after. :)


  1. Congrats Leanna and Wayne!!! He looks like a keeper! I hope all is going well. Love the pics :)

  2. Congrats!! He is beautiful! Wishing you many nights full of sleep.

  3. Congratulations, and let the fun begin huh? Action packed home from here on out, although I am sure you already feel that way.

  4. ahh kanyon very cute, tuckyr is also very nice looking



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