Another video of Mack's Christmas program. He added his own moves in the program he warned me ahead of time to watch for. He was so proud of it!
Mack was cute singing with his fellow class mates in his first Christmas program. I am not a good photographer so the video is rough and I was clear in the back and kept getting heads bob in my view but oh well.
Some of you already know I am no longer working, instead I am working from home...on several things. One is the clothes I have been selling for a few years off and on, the other is legal documents and drafting from home. So visit my two web site links to the side of my page to see all I can do. Tell your friends because I don't just do work for attorneys. I would love to stay working from home and I know my boys would love it too.
The boys asked if they could use some foam soap while tubbing and I said "Ok." not knowing how much they were going to use. Two empty bottle later I found this. I was too busy on facebook... Tuckyr had decided to use the potty too so it was streaked accross the bathroom and all over the toilet. It was so thick, it was a layer an inch thick!
Wayne and I met playing co-ed softball in Idaho Falls. Yes, I am a "little bit" older then him. I think chasing me around the bases made him decide he wanted to ask me out. Actually, he had his friend ask if I would go on a double date with them and him, for Wayne. I guess he's shy, I wasn't very impressed with that, but I thought he was cute and looked good in his warm-ups. He was also not a bad ball player which was a definant plus. After our first date he said he wasn't going to call me, that his friend dialed my number for him. It doesn't really sound like he wanted to go out with me at all now that I'm telling this story. I'm surprised he proposed! Anyway, after realizing we liked each other quite a bit and survived a trip to Salt Lake City together, we were engaged 5 mos. later and married 3 mos after that. We were married in the Idaho Falls Temple. What a whirl wind and now our 2 boys and one on the way make up our happy family we have made together.